Drop your old way of smoking and use this drop down to improve your experiences! Drop downs are awesome for catching reclaim and keeping your rig clean. The shape of the drop down allows reclaim to naturally collect at the bottom for later usage.
2.5" Glass Converter Adapter - All Joint Types
This converter allows for using different sized bowls or slides with your glass bong, and changes the joint type to fit your needs. Select your desired...
3" Sand Blasted Glass Down Stem 18M to 14M
Joint Type: 18mm male downstem fits in water pipe, 14mm male bowl or banger fits into the downstem
Whether you're here because you broke your downstem or...
On Point Glass - 4" WigWag Spoon
Wiggle this spoon snug into your pocket or bag to achieve a discreet and fun smoke sesh! With a dope and wacky design like this wig wag, all of the stoners will want...
4" Angled Long Glass Adapter
Angle yourself in a comfy position and be ready for some unique tokes while using this adapter! This 4 inch glass accessory can connect many different pieces to your bong...
Clover Glass - 14" Etched All Seeing Eye Beaker Water Pipe - with 14M Bowl
Joint Type: 14 Female
This eye will see everything before, during, and after the sesh! Standing at 14 inches tall, this...
4" Slyme Glass Twist Nectar Pipe - with 10M Titanium Tip
Live the high life with this nectar pipe and you'll never want to stop using it! The slyme green, twisted shape design is aesthetically...