Tip your two-chamber bong to experience sipping on air! This unique and elegant gravity bong provides the perfect piece for a group sesh since the smoke will flow right out, without needing to touch your mouth to the piece. The stainless steel hook holding the bong comes in this package, along with a bowl, a mouthpiece, and two stoppers to plug the bong.
Gypsy Labs - Wiggly Puff Gravity Bong Attachment
The replacement mouthpiece for Gypsy Labs Gravity Bong. Features Wiggly Puff's "WP" on the circular handle of the piece.
Jinni Pipe - 7" Infinity Gravity Water Pipe
Joint Type: 14 Female
To infinity and beyond is where you'll be after using this masterpiece. This isn't your average, household gravity bong, it's built...